Ganser’s Syndrome is a factitious disorder, characterised by the individual mimicking behaviour they think are typical of a psychosis, by providing nonsensical or wrong answers to questions, and doing things incorrectly.
Ganser’s Syndrome
PsychNet-UK Ganser’s Syndrome Information Sheet – Description, Causation, Treatment, Associated Features, Differential Diagnosis etc.
Ganser’s Syndrome – Is a rare disorder in which the affected person gives approximate answers to questions that have right and wrong answers, such as “What is 5 minus 3?” 3/5
Ganser Syndrome – Is a rare dissociative disorder previously classified as a factitious disorder. It is characterized by the individual mimicking behavior they think is typical of a psychosis; usually by providing nonsensical or wrong answers to questions, and doing things incorrectly. 3/5
Ganser Syndrome – Ganser syndrome, as it is now known, has been the subject of much debate since this original paper. Questions about its etiology, definition, and classification, as well as its status as a true mental illness versus a specific form of malingering has been the subject of multiple journal articles and book chapters. 3/5
Ganser Syndrome and the DSM-III – Notes to the Ediror.In DSM-III, Ganser syndrome is incorrectly classified under factitious disorders-incorrectly, that is, unless one takes the position of Humpty Dumpty in Alice Through the Looking Glass: “When Not Rated
Ganser Syndrome and Lesion in the Temporoparietal Region – Ganser syndrome is a rare dissociative disorder. It has been reported in association with various functional psychiatric disorders and organic states, most often in patients with head injury and stroke, especially those involving the frontal lobes. The present case of Ganser syndrome had features of hysterical dissociation but was found to have haemorrhage in the temporoparietal region of the dominant hemisphere. The complexities of Ganser syndrome in the presence of an organic lesion with an overwhelming emotional component are discussed. NAn Article. Not Rated
Ganser Syndrome Web MD – Ganser syndrome is a type of factitious disorder, a mental illness in which a person acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when he or she is not really sick. People with Ganser syndrome mimic behavior that is typical of a mental illness, such as schizophrenia. Ganser syndrome is sometimes called “prison psychosis” because it was first observed in prisoners. 3/5
รับ หวย 24 Head Injury, Dissociation and the Ganser Syndrome – To describe the clinical characteristics and psychiatric correlates of the Ganser syndrome following mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). Method: A retrospective chart review of patients with mild TBI assessed in a tertiary care outpatient clinic. An Article. Not Rated
The Ganser Syndrome- An Article. Not Rated