Motor Skills Disorder

Motor skill disorders are characterized by delayed reactions and forgetfulness and children who are affected are often described as clumsy. Motor Skills Disorder PsychNet-UK Motor Skills Disorder Information Sheet – Description, Causation, Treatment, Associated Features, Differential Diagnosis et eMedicine Heath – Mottor Skills Disorder. – Overview, Causation, Treatment. Motor skills disorder, also called motor coordination […]

Pathological Demand Avoidance Disorder

PDA is a pervasive developmental disorder, related to, but separate from the autistic spectrum, namely autism and Asperger syndrome. Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome PsychNet-UK Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome Information Sheet – Description, Causation, Treatment, Associated Features, Differential Diagnosis etc. In order to view the video you must have java script enabled in your browser! Autism […]

Pervasive Developmental Disorder

PDD is part of a group of disorders characterized by delays in the development of socialization and communication skills.” In fact, that group of disorders is identical with with the disorders otherwise known as autism spectrum disorders. These include; Asperger’s Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder and Rett’s Syndrome. About Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders – The […]

Phonological Disorder

Pholological Disorder is also known as phonological disability or phonemic, are a group of language disorders that affect children’s ability to develop easily understood speech by the time they are four years old, and, in some cases, their ability to learn to read and spell. PsychNet-UK Phonological Disorder Information Sheet – Description, Causation, Treatment, Associated […]


Pica is a serious behavioral problem which is characterized by a persistent craving and a compulsive urge to eat items that are not food, such as dirt, wood, pint, etc. PsychNet-UK Pica Information Sheet – Description, Causation, Treatment, Associated Features, Differential Diagnosis etc. Eating Disorder Expert – Pica – Pica Disorder is a relatively rare […]

Prader-willi Syndrome

Is an uncommon genetic disorder. Which causes poor muscle tone, low levels of sex hormones and a constant feeling of hunger. Prader-willi Syndrome PsychNet-UK Prader-Willi Syndrome Information Sheet – Description, Causation, Treatment, Associated Features, Differential Diagnosis etc. International Prader-Willi Syndrome Organisation (IPWSO) New Zealand – Website where we hope you will find help and support, […]