Generalized Anxiety Disorder

A psychological condition usually characterized by chronic worry for at least 6 months or more. This may involve tension that is unfounded, or much more severe than the normal anxiety most people normally experience. info sheet Generalized Anxiety Disorder PsychNet-UK Generalized Anxiety Disorder Information Sheet – Description, Causation, Treatment, Associated Features, Differential Diagnosis etc. Anxiety […]

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

A psychological disorder in which a person experiences obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions. These may include; checking actions, cleaning, washing, counting, and even hoarding. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), one of the anxiety disorders, is a potentially disabling condition that can persist throughout a person’s life. info sheet Obsessive Compulsive Disorder PsychNet-UK Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Information Sheet. […]