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Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety usually affect young persons and teenagers. It is characterized by a persistent fear of social blunders or performance situations which might give rise to embarrassment or humiliation.

info sheet

Social Anxiety (Phobia)

PsychNet-UK Social Anxiety Disorder Information Sheet – Description, Causation, Treatment, Associated Features, Differential Diagnosis etc. – ‘An ex sufferer of social anxiety shares the tactics and strategies that helped him to think in a healthier, more objective manner and to reduce his fear of strangers.’ 3/5

SAS – Social Anxiety Support -Social anxiety is a feeling of discomfort, fear, or worry that is centered on our interactions with other people and involves a concern with being judged negatively, evaluated, or looked down upon by others. 3/5

Social Anxiety to Social Confidence – Trying to understand and overcome social anxiety can feel like an overwhelming task at the best of times, but it does not have to be that way. 3/5

Anxiety Social Net – A social network for people struggling with anxiety disorders and other mental health issues. We offer free information, Q&A;, Blogs and functionality, similar to social networking sites such as Facebook. Our network has over 20.000 users (mainly US and UK based) and has been featured in numerous media outlets including ADAA (Anxiety and depression association of America) and “Best of 2012:’s Top 10 Websites for Anxiety”. 4/5

Social Anxiety Org – Are you uncomfortable or embarrassed at being the centre of attention? Do you find it hard to interact with people? 3/5

Social Anxiety UK – Millions of people around the world suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder (also known as Social Phobia) and related conditions. 4/5

Shyness and Social Anxiety Treatment Australia – Provides information about social anxiety, treatment and therapy, depression, public speaking, blushing and sweating, children and social anxiety, famous sufferers, self help resources 3/5

Social Anxiety, Social Phobia Test – Click Here

Google Scholarly Article on Separation Anxiety Disorder – Click Here

Wikipedia – Separation Anxiety Disorder – Click Here