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Attention Defecit Disorder

A condition, mostly affecting boys, characterized by behavioral and learning disorders. ADD refers to a range of problem behaviours associated with poor attention span. Which may include impulsiveness, restlessness and hyperactivity, as well as inattentiveness, and often prevent children from learning and socialising well.

info sheet

Attention Deficit Disorder

PsychNet-UK Attention Deficit Disorder Information Sheet. – Description, Causation, Treatment, Associated Features, Differential Diagnosis etc.
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3 Steps To Conquering ADD ADHD – Now in its 6th edition, “3 Steps To Conquering ADD-ADHD” has become a world-wide phenomenon and one of the most successful self-help books on the topic of Natural ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) Tactics. As this is a book, there is no rating and listing here does not mean that it is recommended by PsychNet-UK

AADD-UK – We are a small group of adults who have come together to campaign for better recognition of Adult ADHD. We are individuals who have either obtained a diagnosis, or in the process of assessment, or have adult children who have been diagnosed. 3/5 – We have 60 free articles at our website by national ADHD authorities as well as adults with ADD –and we are posting more all the time. We have a number of article for parents. In addition, we host the National ADHD Directory which has over 550 service providers listed. 3/5

ADDISS, The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service. – We provide people-friendly information and resources about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to anyone who needs assistance – parents, sufferers, teachers or health professionals. Whatever you’re looking for in ADHD, we’ll do our best to help. 3/5 – ADD/ADHD online support group, information, natural remedy options, free software and chat facilities. 4/5

ADDVANCE – The ADDvance website, first created in 1996, is dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Created by Patricia Quinn, M.D. and Kathleen Nadeau, Ph.D., leaders in the field of AD/HD. ADDvance Magazine and the ADDvance website provide information and support to women and girls. 3/5

Amphetamine / dextroamphetamine ( Adderall ) for adult ADHD – Low-dose amphetamine salts and adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. 3/5

Attention Defecit Disorder – A Website Managed By Northern County Psychiatric Associates Psychiatric Services For Children, Adolescents, Adults and Families Baltimore, Maryland 3/5
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders – F90 Hyperkinetic Disorders – F90.0 Disturbance Of Activity And Attention – F90.1 Hyperkinetic Conduct Disorder.3/5

Born to Exlpore – Welcome to a non-commercial site devoted entirely to exploring positive and alternative views of attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD) in children and adultsThere are many things other than “neurological defects” that might cause a person to fall within the DSM IV diagnostic criteria for ADD, such as giftedness, natural temperamental traits, allergies and nutritional deficiencies. While this site is not anti-medication, there ARE common-sense alternatives for adults and children that should be explored before resorting to the standard “quick fix” medicinal approach usually recommended. For college students working on a thesis or term paper, I’ve got a list of studies to help you out. 5/5 Student

CHADD of Bay County, Fla. – CHADD the national non-profit organization representing children and adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD). Founded in 1987 by a group of concerned parents, CHADD works to improve the lives of people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder through education, advocacy and support. Working closely with leaders in the field of AD/HD research, diagnosis and treatment, CHADD offers its members and the public information they can trust. 3/5

Google Scholarly Article on Attention Deficit Disorder- Click Here

Wikipedia – Attentions Deficit Disorder – Click Here

PsychNet-UK Article : Non-Medical Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – by Preeti Gupta

PsychNet-UK Article : Attention Deficit Disorder – by Jef Gazley, M.S.