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Psychological Software Archives

Many of the listed software archive contain complete lists of academic and commercial psychological software many, with FTP facilities.

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DOS and Windows (Psychological Software Archives) – Collections. DOS Software Archives including SIMTEL. Hanover College Psychology Department. 3/5

ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation – Click on the “Test Locator” link to search for test information. 4/5

Finding Information about Psychological Software & Tests – From the APA. 4/5

Measurement of Psychological Androgyny Sandra L Bem (1974) – The Measurement of Psychological Androgyny Sandra L Bem (1974) Bem views Androgyny to mean both highly masculine and highly feminine, rather than neither masculine nor feminine (i.e. midway between the two extremes). It’s better to be androgynous in today. 3/5

Psychology Software Archives (Psychology) – Catalyst a site that does not just have software but lots of information and articles about the use of computers many areas of psychology. 3/5

The Psychological Software Test Library – Macquarie University Psychology. 3/5

Commercial Psychological - Statistical Software Recommended in Social Sciences
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ADE-4 – Is a multivariate analysis and graphical display software package.

AlbaWrite – Creates reports by asking you a series of questions (an interview). Many of these questions can be answered just by clicking options using your mouse, others only require you to complete a sentence or paragraph which AlbaWrite starts for you. At the end of an interview AlbaWrite compiles your answers into a report in your word processing package.

AM Statistical Software – Is a statistical software package for analyzing data from complex samples, especially large-scale assessments.

AMOS – Another structural equations modeling program? Yes, it’s true. This one started out as shareware and has lasted long enough to have evolved into a commercial product.

Arc Regression Software – Arc is a free, unique, menu-driven statistical analysis tool for regression problems.

AnSWR – Is a software system for coordinating and conducting large-scale, team-based analysis projects that integrate qualitative and quantitative techniques.

Assistat Software, The – Complete variance analysis (ANOVA) and it classifies the averages for the Tukey Test or for the t Test. It still counts with the U Test or Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test (for comparison of two samples) and with the David Test (normality test). It also makes regression in the variance analysis (for quantitative treatments) and has tested of adjustment or tack of series for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov method. English and Portuguese interface.

CDC EZ-Text – I is a software program developed to assist researchers create, manage, and analyze semi-structured qualitative databases

Epi Info™ – Physicians, nurses, epidemiologists, and other public health workers lacking a background in information technology often have a need for simple tools that allow the rapid creation of data collection instruments and data analysis, visualization, and reporting using epidemiologic methods.

EQS – This package can be used for structural equations models including multiple and multivariate regression, factor analysis, and comparisons of multiple populations. Their site provides an overview of the software and its capabilities.

HLM – This software is used for hierarchical linear models also known as multilevel or random-effects models. Their site contains selected chapters from the HLM manual and numerous examples.

LISREL – A structural equation modeling package that can also be used for multilevel models, factor analysis, and two-stage least-squares estimation. Check out the extensive collection of LISREL examples and Karl’s Corner, a column on SEM topics by one of LISREL’s creators, Karl Jöreskog.

MicrOsiris – This program “is derived from OSIRIS IV, a statistical and data management package developed and used at the University of Michigan and includes special techniques for data mining and analysis of nominal- and ordinal-scaled data. Its free but can contribute $25 to get rid of start up reminder screen.

M-Plus – Vendors of the M-Plus structural modeling software for categorical outcome variables developed by Bengt and Linda Muthén. This page has several examples using M-Plus as well as some research papers that have made use of M-Plus in their data analysis.

Openstat – Free statistical program. I’ve used this one a bit and it is comparatively easy to use, except I have problems importing excel or csv files. There is also a linux version of this program, and the author is frequently updating the program.

R – The Comprehensive R Archive Network also known as “GNU S” – Is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.” It is, I understand, like S+, a statistical language. R is better for graphics than SAS. However, R is complex, and takes a lot of study, so only use this if you have complex statistical or graphical needs.

SAS – SAS saves time, no matter how long it takes” is the motto of the SAS User’s Group International (SUGI). Check out this venerable product’s entry into the world of the Web.

Simstat – Simstat software from Provalis Research for research and teaching. A trial version of Simstat for Windows is available online at their web site.

Stata – Software for statistical analyses, graphical displays of data and data management on Macintosh, Windows, UNIX, LINUX, and DOS systems. This site has an extensive list of frequently asked questions and some nice lists of statistical resources available on the Web.

STREAMS – STREAMS (Structural Equation Modeling Made Simple) is a structural equation modeling software which can also be used as a pre-processor to LISREL, AMOS, EQS, M-Plus, and Mx.

TextStat – Free simple text analysis software. Word counts, and also shows where the words appear.

Weft QDA – Is an easy-to-use tool to assist in the analysis of textual data such as interview transcripts, written texts and fieldnotes.

WinIDAMS – Is a software package internationally developed by UNESCO for the validation, manipulation and statistical analysis of numerical data of any kind.

Miscellaneous Software

John C. Pezzullo’s list of free statistical software – The First and MAIN list of software. I got links to several of the stat packages listed here from Mr. Pezzullo’s site, which lists more info about each package.

List of free software – Some of which are listed above.

StatCon– Open Source & Public Domain Packages with Source Code

StatSci list of free software – Also lists some of the above.

The Impoverished Social Scientist’s Guide – To Free Statistical Software and Resources

Note: many of the software links came from: Gene Shackman has a Ph.D. in Sociology from the State University of New York, University at Albany. – Click Here to go to website.

Online Stats Software

BrigStat – Statistic Made Easy

Statistics Online Computational Resource – The goals of the Statistics Online Computational Resource (SOCR) are to design, validate and freely disseminate knowledge.